The video above discusses the other formula with examples that I’ve been using as a guide to write email subjects that convert all the time.

This link contains the 1st part of this weekly discussion.

Let’s continue with the rest of the formula.

The Subject Lines Formula

#5 The “This” Trigger 
  • it’s an advanced version of the open loop formula. It focuses on just one thing that defines everything. There’s this one thing that can be done to achieve something. 
  • It compels and forces subscriber to click to get the whole story.


  • This will help, [Name] 
  • This is yours today if you open up. 
  • Click here to tell this 

It’s a trigger. People will be thinking what is this and it compels them to open the email

#6 The Announcement 
  • there are three types of announcements: introduction, new launch, and now open. 
  • Research found that including the word “introducing” or “new” your open rate increases by 9.45% and 3.26% respectively. 

People like new stuff. As long as there’s something brand new, people start queuing up for it. 


  • Introducing: The Launch of PI365
  • Now Open: Perpetual Income 365 Software
#7 The Scarcity / Urgency Subject Line
  • it basically compels a subscriber to act fast about the hype 
  • when you use this, try not to use it too often or else people are gonna know that whatever in there is not urgent. It’s gonna backfire. Use it sequentially with the rest of the subject line.
  • The fear of missing out on something is greater than the fear of acquiring. Pain is always three times more responsive than pleasure. In this subject line, you are tapping on someone’s pain point. 


  • Only 2 hours left, [Name]
  • Just 15 copies left

This creates a sense of urgency for someone to open it up and to take some action

#8 The Personalization
  • Basically calling their attention and most of the time we use the person’s name here.
  • Everyone likes to be called by name. If someone calls you by name, you’ll respond immediately, right? When it comes to the subconscious whenever his or her name is called even though it’s on paper, the attention is there. 
  • In a string of long messages and you put your name in there, the first thing that you’re gonna find is your name.

The reason why in our money pages we always have the name and the email address is because we want to utilize this element. We want to put the name in every email copy that we write and therefore we capture names. 

#9 The Shorty
  • uses only 1-3 words in the subject line.
  • This makes your email stand out among all the long subject lines in an inbox. 


  • Got 60 seconds?
  • Hi, you there?
  • [Name]’s secret

These subject lines give the highest open rate. It’s short, super catchy and it stands out from all the subject lines out there. 

Now that you are well-versed with the formulas that a top 7-figure marketer has been using, you can now start crafting your own hit subject lines without a fail! 

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